The Overprepared DM
The Overprepared DM
13 - Winging It w/ Tim from BlackwaterDND - The Overprepared DM
Jen (@JenIsOnline), Nick (@EmoAasimar), and our guest Tim (@BlackwaterDND) talk about rolling dice more often than not, DM roulettes, side quests without overpreparing, improvising, motivations, WINGING IT, getting the party interested in side stories, session zero and planning, engaging shy people, and making the party RUN!
Catch us every other Sunday for a new episode with all sorts of topics, featuring different guests and answering your questions and broaching your topics if you reach out to us!
Follow the podcast on twitter!! @overpreppeddm
CONNECT WITH JEN on Twitch, Twitter, Insta, TikTok, Reddit, and all other social media platforms at (click!) @JenIsOnline
and watch Jen live on Twitch playing D&D with (click!) @FeywildAndOut
CONNECT WITH NICK on Twitter and Insta at
@ EmoAasimar
and watch Nick live on Twitch playing D&D with (click!) @SWGamingSociety