The Overprepared DM
The Overprepared DM
15 - Politics & Board games w/ April Hill - The Overprepared DM
Jen (@JenIsOnline), Nick (@EmoAasimar), and our guest April (@Stiletto_Assassin) talk about reusing notes and names, diversifying cities, political structures, Themed Games, other games with dice and cards, using modules, and pranking players!
Catch us every other Sunday/Monday for a new episode with all sorts of topics, featuring different guests and answering your questions and broaching your topics if you reach out to us!
Follow the podcast on twitter!! @overpreppeddm
CONNECT WITH JEN on Twitch, Twitter, Insta, TikTok, Reddit, and all other social media platforms at (click!) @JenIsOnline
and watch Jen live on Twitch playing D&D with (click!) @FeywildAndOut
CONNECT WITH NICK on Twitter and Insta at
@ EmoAasimar
and watch Nick live on Twitch playing D&D with (click!) @SWGamingSociety
Personal Twitch - @Stiletto_Assassin
D&D Twitch - @TheInitiativeOrder
Instagram - @Stiletto_Assassin
Twitter - @Stilettodm